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Wirral Homeless Angels

I am privileged to be one of the Angels. It's only one or two hours a month and you don't have to leave your kitchen.  Simply prepare a homemade tasty meal for 12 plus a vegetarian meal.  Include a pudding if you want too!  Each evening there are two cooks which ensures a variety of meals.  

A designated driver collects the meals for distribution to the homeless night shelter.  

This is all year round, not just for Christmas. It ensures a hot meal for anyone who for whatever reason finds themselves homeless. No one is judgemental.

This Wednesday is my turn to cook half the meals.  I have already made Apple Cinnamon Sponge Pudding which I will serve with custard. 

For the main dish I'm doing Scouse with pearl barley & dumplings.  

If you are interested in getting involved. Checkout their Facebook page  for their contact details.

Local companies are very generous. Yesterday at the Wallasey Good Fair I was offered bags of apples from a local orchard and sausage rolls from Pen Y Lan Pork local supplier. I will freeze the sausage rolls and add them to the weekend sandwich run on 30th December.

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Gillian Vicary is the sole proprieter of Gillian's Kitchen

Contact Details 07833 514172


copy right Gillian's Kitchen 2016

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